Sunday, May 3, 2009

Moving up!

The Blog Baby is now 5 weeks old and has been uncovered and exposed to the elements for a week, and should be strong enough to take the shock of potting up. I'm always keen to pot up as soon as possible because the rooting medium contains no nutrients, and the little cutting must have nearly depleted its store of food by now as it has been making roots and growing quite strongly. That mustn't be allowed to slow down now!

This is the Blog Baby cutting comfortably settled into her new pot and ready to go into the shade house.

Steps for potting up:

First, fill a small (7.5 cm or 3 inch) square pot with moist, loose soil mix.

2. Make a hollow in the middle big enough to receive the root ball of the rooted cutting.

3. Dig a small trowel down into the rooting pot and lift the cutting out disturbing the roots as little as possible in the process.

4. Gently lower the cutting into the hollow you made, making sure that it does not go in deeper than it was in the rooting mix.

5. Gently level the soil out in the pot to cover the roots. Don't be tempted to press or firm it down.

6. Water gently with a slow stream from a small can to settle the soil around the roots.

These steps are documented in pictures HERE if you would like to see more. Pictures no 19 - 25 detail the potting up process.

Economy tip:

I save up the vermiculite left over from each rooting pot until I have enough to fill an old roasting tray. This is then spread out in the tray and put into the oven at 200 C for 2 hours. When it has cooled it is dry and sterile and can be used again for rooting more cuttings, or for adding to the next batch of soil that is made up.

Happy potting!!

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