Monday, April 27, 2009

Raising Standards

I wasn't going to grow any new standards this year as they do take up a lot of room, but when I spotted these two gorgeous cuttings this morning I couldn't resist them!

'Phyllis', on the left, is a perfect cutting for growing a standard. It is straight and well balanced and has three leaves at each node. This means that she will make three new branches at each level on the main stem - 50% more branches than a normal cutting with only two leave to the node, and 50% more branches means 50% more flowers on the final plant!

'Mrs Popple', on the right, is a real find!! This shoot has four leaves at each node, which doesn't happen very often. There are tiny buds right at the tip of this cutting, which is not ideal, but nobody is perfect! They are so small right now that I am afraid I will damage the growth point if I try to nip them out, so I will leave them for a little while, and remove them when I can get in there comfortably.

The procedure for taking and rooting cuttings to start new fuchsia standards is the same as for any other fuchsia plant, but I have documented the process in pictures HERE if you would like to know more.

I will track the progress of these two cuttings weekly here until they are mature and flowering.

Hope you had a good long weekend, and are looking forward to the next one! :))


Sheila said...

Wow! a four leaf cutting.....that's like finding a four leaf clover!!! That large, name unknown standard on my patio was also a four leaf cutting once upon a time and it was fascinating to watch the new shoots each time. I tried to start a new one from one of the cuttings but sadly it did not make it and no more four leaf ones have appeared since.

Penny said...

I do hope this one does as well as yours! I must confess that I am a little worried about it - it is not looking as strong as I would like right now! Holding thumbs...