Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Smokey Mountain

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This is a very young plant and these are the first flowers. I really am very pleased with it. It has grown strongly and promises to make a good full basket quite quickly. It has also proven to be quite pest and disease resistant so far having escaped the ravages of the Red Spider Mite epidemic earlier in the season, and has been untroubled by caterpillars, white fly aphids etc.!

The flowers are quite small, but that might be because the plant is young, or because it is the end of the season, or both!! They are very full and double, and a lovely shape, and the colours are soft and gentle without being insipid! This was a good addition to the collection I think!

The young cuttings appear to have survived yesterday's intense heat, and are all looking fine. I am noticing that the seedling mix is drying out more rapidly that the vermiculite mix in the cuttings that are open. Will keep an eye on this!


Sheila said...

fabulous!!! I must have a cutting of this one :-)

Penny said...

You are welcome - as always!!